Posts with the tag “despite”
The Danger of Looking Back
by Delman Coates on January 15th, 2024
"Jesus replied, 'No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.'" - Luke 9:62 In the ancient narrative of Lot's wife in Genesis 19, a warning is etched about the peril of looking back when we are called to move forward. As destruction loomed over the city of Sodom, the Lord provided a way of escape for Lot and his family, urging them not to linger or ... Read More
Embracing Freedom
by Delman Coates on January 4th, 2024
"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." - John 8:36 Throughout David's life, we find moments of triumph and tragedy, righteousness and sin. Yet, the profound revelation of this narrative is that despite David's heinous acts, God's forgiveness prevails. It's a timeless message, a beacon of hope for all who carry the weight of mistakes made decades ago, choices rooted in brokennes... Read More
Don't Let People Define Character
by Delman Coates on May 20th, 2023
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” - Galatians 5:22-23 Is your character consistent? Are you able to display the same character no matter what is happening around you? If you are a child of God, someone who has given their life to Jesus, then God has called you to live ... Read More
Stay in The Fight
by Delman Coates on April 24th, 2023
“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” - 2 Chronicles 15:7 So, when it comes to a do we do it? We have been talking about the greatest comeback in the history of the world—that is Jesus returning from death to life. Jesus’ comeback was a miracle but also an example that YOU, too, can come back from whatever it is that has you down at the mom... Read More
A Powerful Posture
by Delman Coates on March 4th, 2023
“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” - Isaiah 40:31 When you place your hope in the Lord, you will hold a powerful posture. That is exactly what hope gives us: power. But that kind of hope is not in our own power but in the power of Almighty God. No matter what is go... Read More
He Determines Your Future
by Ministry Support on September 7th, 2022
“But as for me, I will always proclaim what God has done; I will sing praises to the God of Jacob. For God says, ‘I will break the strength of the wicked, but I will increase the power of the godly.’” - Psalm 75:9-10 Are you lacking the closure you wish you had based on what has happened in your past? Perhaps someone did you wrong, and you just cannot seem to let it go. You need to see that they... Read More
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Let it GoA Prayer for RestorationThe Power of Self-ForgivenessEmbracing FreedomFrom Transgression to RedemptionRelease and FreedomWisdom in ReflectionBlessed Assurance in ForgivenessEmbracing Divine RestTrusting in the WaitingEmbracing Peace in Unresolved MomentsMoving Forward Without ClosureA New Chapter AwaitsRefocusing for a New ChapterThe Danger of Looking BackLet God Be Your DefenseGod's Victory, Not OursThe Author of Your New ChapterThe Faithful Promise KeeperA Promise UnveiledThe Urgency of ObedienceThe University of AdversityThriving in AdversityForging the Future YouTransformative Power of AdversityThe Role of ResilienceThe Gift of EmpathyChanging PerspectiveGod's Purpose in Your AdversityThe Anchoring Power of TrustConsistent in Prayer, Unwavering in Praise
Navigating Life's JourneyLessons from the Prodigal SonStaying on TrackA Lesson in PatienceTrusting in God's TimingAvoiding the DriftChoosing Your Company WiselyThe Impact of Your Inner CircleThe Call to Responsible StewardshipFrom Rock Bottom to RedemptionGetting My Life Back On TrackWholeness Beyond Rock BottomWaking Up to ResponsibilityFacing the FactsOnly God Can Make Life Worth Living You Can Do ItYour Transformation MattersBreaking Free from ShameGod's Unwavering CareThe Good ShepherdThe Shepherd Who ProvidesFinding Refuge in God's ProtectionGod's Omnipotent ProtectionGod's Unseen ProtectionOverflowing BlessingsA Unique LoveA Divine ExchangeThe Power in His Precious BloodFrom Trials to Praise