All That I Need
“The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.” - Psalm 23:1
We discussed yesterday how Jesus is the Good Shepherd. That is what He wanted the people in John 10 to know. He also wants you and me to recognize this now, which is why this passage is recorded in Scripture. The first thing He wants us to know about Himself is that He will take care of our provisions.
We all know Psalm 23:1, “the Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.” Jesus then is situating Himself within the cost of that understanding to say that He will take care of our wants. Since sheep are helpless and unable to meet on their own needs, the shepherd is the one who is able to step in and meet those needs.
Since sheep are short-sighted and can’t see that well, the shepherd makes them lie down in green pastures. Since sheep are afraid of rushing waters, the shepherd digs a trench to create a pool of still waters and leads them there so they can be refreshed. Since sheep are easily distracted, have a tendency to wander from their flock, and allow their anxiety to keep them constantly living on the edge, the shepherd restores their soul.
Jesus is saying that He is our Shepherd, and we won’t need for anything. He takes us to places in life where we can find nourishment. He leads us to places where we can find peace. Even in uncertain times and questionable circumstances, Jesus says, “I’ll be your provider.”
What are you in need of today? Jesus is the answer. It might sound like the Sunday school answer, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Are you in need of financial help? Do you need help breaking a bad habit? Are you in need of the power to resist temptation? Whatever you need, Jesus has the power and the resources to provide for you.
When you have Jesus Christ in your life, you truly have all that you need!
We discussed yesterday how Jesus is the Good Shepherd. That is what He wanted the people in John 10 to know. He also wants you and me to recognize this now, which is why this passage is recorded in Scripture. The first thing He wants us to know about Himself is that He will take care of our provisions.
We all know Psalm 23:1, “the Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.” Jesus then is situating Himself within the cost of that understanding to say that He will take care of our wants. Since sheep are helpless and unable to meet on their own needs, the shepherd is the one who is able to step in and meet those needs.
Since sheep are short-sighted and can’t see that well, the shepherd makes them lie down in green pastures. Since sheep are afraid of rushing waters, the shepherd digs a trench to create a pool of still waters and leads them there so they can be refreshed. Since sheep are easily distracted, have a tendency to wander from their flock, and allow their anxiety to keep them constantly living on the edge, the shepherd restores their soul.
Jesus is saying that He is our Shepherd, and we won’t need for anything. He takes us to places in life where we can find nourishment. He leads us to places where we can find peace. Even in uncertain times and questionable circumstances, Jesus says, “I’ll be your provider.”
What are you in need of today? Jesus is the answer. It might sound like the Sunday school answer, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Are you in need of financial help? Do you need help breaking a bad habit? Are you in need of the power to resist temptation? Whatever you need, Jesus has the power and the resources to provide for you.
When you have Jesus Christ in your life, you truly have all that you need!
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