Noticing Your Emotions
"But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh." — Galatians 5:16
Have you ever noticed when your emotions are triggered in certain situations? It’s like an alarm going off inside you, alerting you that something is happening beneath the surface. In The Emotionally Healthy Church, Peter Scazzero says, “Ignoring our emotions is turning our backs on reality.” Emotions, he explains, are the language of the soul, and paying attention to them brings us into reality. And it’s in that space where we truly meet God.
Part of spiritual maturity is recognizing when your emotions are being activated. Think about it, there might have been a time when someone said something to you, and you would have immediately lost your temper or reacted without thinking.
But now, you can feel the same situation unfolding, notice your emotional reaction, and make a different choice. Instead of reacting the way you once did, you pause and acknowledge what’s happening inside you. You see it, you say it, you stop it, and you swap it with a healthier response.
Emotions are linked to our nervous system, they’re like the alarm that goes off when something feels dangerous or uncomfortable. But the key to spiritual growth is being able to notice when your emotions are triggered and offering yourself support in that moment, rather than being hijacked by them.
That’s what Paul talks about when he tells us to walk by the Spirit in Galatians 5. It’s not about suppressing or demonizing your emotions but welcoming them and choosing to respond with grace and wisdom.
So next time you feel your emotions rise, don’t run from them. Notice them, name them, and walk through them with the Holy Spirit by your side. It’s a sign that you’re growing in both emotional and spiritual maturity.
Have you ever noticed when your emotions are triggered in certain situations? It’s like an alarm going off inside you, alerting you that something is happening beneath the surface. In The Emotionally Healthy Church, Peter Scazzero says, “Ignoring our emotions is turning our backs on reality.” Emotions, he explains, are the language of the soul, and paying attention to them brings us into reality. And it’s in that space where we truly meet God.
Part of spiritual maturity is recognizing when your emotions are being activated. Think about it, there might have been a time when someone said something to you, and you would have immediately lost your temper or reacted without thinking.
But now, you can feel the same situation unfolding, notice your emotional reaction, and make a different choice. Instead of reacting the way you once did, you pause and acknowledge what’s happening inside you. You see it, you say it, you stop it, and you swap it with a healthier response.
Emotions are linked to our nervous system, they’re like the alarm that goes off when something feels dangerous or uncomfortable. But the key to spiritual growth is being able to notice when your emotions are triggered and offering yourself support in that moment, rather than being hijacked by them.
That’s what Paul talks about when he tells us to walk by the Spirit in Galatians 5. It’s not about suppressing or demonizing your emotions but welcoming them and choosing to respond with grace and wisdom.
So next time you feel your emotions rise, don’t run from them. Notice them, name them, and walk through them with the Holy Spirit by your side. It’s a sign that you’re growing in both emotional and spiritual maturity.
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