I'm Still Lit
One of the greatest challenges we face as humans is figuring out how to keep the torch of our lives lit while we are trying to run our race. So many people, start this race filled with hope, optimism, and determination, but then somewhere along the way, the flame that lights their lives goes out. Extinguished by hardship, trauma, or racism. Extinguished by trying to survive in a world of diminishing finances. Their light gets snuffed out of them by violence, depression, addiction, and a lack of proper support. In many ways, the world in which we live has a way of blowing out our light. Is your light still shining? What has “dimmed” your light, so to speak? As a follower of Christ, your light never has to burn out because nothing the world can throw at you is dark enough to put out the light of Christ. And He wants you to use that light to shine in and through you as you continue to run your race. In this message, I want us to look at three ways Jesus models for us what it means to remain lit in the midst of life’s darkness.