I've Come Too Far
Are you struggling with finding the strength to keep waiting on God? Are you starting to grow weary in your attempts to persevere? If that’s you, then I have no doubt that today’s key passage will encourage you and help you right where you’re at. In Luke 2, Simeon shows us that the passage of time does not cancel God’s plan, and that if you can just hold on, you can make it. You can make it through the grief that accompanies the loss of a loved one. You can make it past the financial uncertainty that comes with losing your job. You can make it through the loneliness that comes after a breakup. You can survive a season of depression until you come through it on the other side. You can make it through this health challenge until the doctor says you’re healed. Simeon shows us how we can make it, and his example is exactly what we’re going to study in this message.